International Conferences
British Columbia Library Conference
Libraries build social infrastructure and capacity every day. The 2020 BC Library Conference theme provides an opportunity to share the ways libraries currently do this work, and to explore the ways we intend to broaden and deepen the contributions libraries make to society.
DrupalCon Europe
DrupalCon is an international educational event that brings together people who use, develop, design and support the Drupal platform. Two DrupalCons are typically held annually: one in North America in the spring and the other in Europe in the fall.
DCMI (Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative)
DCMI is an organization supporting innovation in metadata design and best practices across the metadata ecology. DCMI works openly, and it is supported by a paid-membership model.
IFLA World Library and Information Congress
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.
International Association of Technology University Libraries (IATUL)
IATUL is a voluntary international non-governmental organisation of a group of libraries, represented by their library directors or senior managers, who have responsibility for information services and resources management.
International Conference on Library and Information Science (LIS)
LIS 2020 aims to offer a forum for scholars, educators, LIS practitioners and professionals from different countries to share research achievements and to establish a research network and to find global partners for future collaboration.
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries bring together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries.
International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
Founded in 1989, the International Society for Knowledge Organization, or ISKO, is a professional association for scholars of knowledge organization , knowledge structures, classification studies, and information organization and structure.
Internet Librarian International
ILI remains Europe's friendliest forum for librarians and info pros to exchange ideas, learn new skills, hear about new tools and tech, make unexpected connections, and explore new and interesting approaches to our jobs – helping us make a difference to our organisations, clients and communities.
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA)
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) addresses the changing and challenging environment for libraries and information systems and services in the digital world. LIDA is an international biennial conference that brings together researchers, educators, students, practitioners, and developers from all over the world in a forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made easier by being held in memorable environs.
Linked Archives International Workshop
The International Workshop on Archives and Linked Data aims to gather researchers and specialists engaged in initiatives that cross Archives and the Semantic Web and those planning similar initiatives in cultural heritage organizations.
Occupy Library
Occupy Library brings together the innovating ideas that are implemented in libraries in the Central, Eastern European, Black Sea, Caucasus, and Caspian regions.
PIDapalooza is an open festival on persistent identifiers and the metadata that connects them, organized by the California Digital Library, Crossref, DataCite and ORCID. PIDapalooza will bring together creators and users of persistent identifiers (PIDs) from around the world to shape the future research information landscape.
Semantic Web in Libraries (SWIB)
The Semantic Web in Libraries focuses on Linked Open Data (LOD) in libraries and related organizations. It is well established as an event where IT staff, developers, librarians, and researchers from over the world meet and mingle and learn from each other.
UKSG (Serials, e-books, electronic resources)
Founded in 1977 by John Merriman, UKSG was originally known as the United Kingdom Serials Group, then the UK Serials Group. Now, with more than a third of members based outside the UK, it is simply known as UKSG.