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Professional Development

DEI Trainings

Advancing Racial Equity in Your Library

This webinar, presented by the Race Forward Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), presented an overview of concepts and approaches libraries are using to reduce racial barriers in their work. 


ALA Office of Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services

The Office of Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services offers a series of webinars on diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Augusta Baker Diversity Lecture Series

As part of expanding her legacy, the current Augusta Baker Endowed Chair Dr. Nicole Cooke is teaching SLIS 752 - Diversity in Libraries - and is hosting a stellar lineup of librarians, archivists, and information professionals who work with diverse and otherwise marginalized populations. 


DECO Centering Equity Series (CES) Learning Sessions - USF

The Centering Equity Series (CES) is a diversity and inclusion education initiative comprised of a series of learning sessions to foster equity-mindedness among staff, faculty, and students in line with USF's Jesuit Catholic mission and values. 


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Nine Conversations that Matter by Jessica Pettitt

Conversations that matter include both internal and external dialogues about our similarities and our differences. Jessica has taken the typical diversity talks to the next level of social justice conversations examining privilege, oppression, entitlement, and our collective responsibility to make the change while connecting difficult topics with employee retention, crisis management, and increasing innovation and profits. 


Everyday Social Justice

Using simple words to talk about equity and oppression. A website for people who want to learn about social justice, or for folks who teach it. 


Future Learn Online Courses

Future Learn is a site for free online courses taught by instructors from partnering academic institutions around the world. Course topics include languages, cultural diversity, volunteering with refugees, disability rights, globalization, international relations, STEM resources and diversity, cultural heritage, and the ethics of big data. These courses can be taken at your own pace within the monthly timeframe that the courses are available.  **Online account required, free to use.**


8 Tips for Fighting Back Against Microaggressions by American Library Association - Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA)

Microaggressions are a pervasive way to turn your library into a toxic work environment rather than a place that values diversity and acceptance. It’s everyone’s responsibility to address and fight back against statements and actions that can be harmful. Here are a few tips that can help your team fight back against microaggressions in the work place.


Microaggressions and How to Fight Them by American Library Association - Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA)

Outline of the 3 types of microaggressions and 5 ways to combat them. 


Library Juice Press

Library Juice Press, an imprint of Litwin Books, LLC, specializes in theoretical and practical issues in librarianship from a critical perspective, for an audience of professional librarians and students of library science. Topics include library philosophy, information policy, library activism, and in general anything that can be placed under the rubric of “critical studies in librarianship.”


Kathy Obear

Youtube video on recognizing microaggressions

Other free resources from Dr. Obear


‘Ouch’ series

How to speak up against stereotypes.


White Fragility

Robin DiAngelo explored the challenges in discussing race with white Americans. Her talk from June 28, 2018 on C-Span (similar to ALA Midwinter talk).

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