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Professional Development

Archived Webinars

Webinar Repositories 

Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)

ASERL offers a wide variety of webinars at no cost for members and other interested professionals. For past webinars, please visit their Archive for recordings and speaker materials.



ALCTS offers a series of webinars that cover a variety of topics, including Demand Driven Acquisitions, Digital Preservation, Cataloging Special Formats, Classification and Subject Headings, Licensing Electronic Resources, Data Visualization, Assessment and Leadership in Technical Services, Research and Publication Basics, Research Data Management, and BIBFRAME and Linked Data.


Backstage Library Works

Backstage Library Works partners with libraries, museums, and archives like yours to help you serve your communities.



The Carterette Series Webinars (CSW) was launched by members of the Georgia Library Association and the George Public Library Service in June of 2010. The series highlights trends, innovation, and best practices in libraries. The free sessions are open to interested parties from all geographic (and astral) locations.



The NCORE webinar series continues the conference’s tradition of working to improve racial and ethnic relations on college campuses by providing virtual learning opportunities on effective strategies to enhance access, social development, education, communication, and cross-cultural understanding for traditionally underrepresented populations.



The EDUCAUSE library offers an array of information on topics such as digital libraries, digital publishing, e-books, information discovery and retrieval, IT-library collaboration and library administration.



Infopeople provides quality continuing education opportunities to library staff that are tailored to library needs and developed by experienced library professionals.


Open Oregon

Open Oregon Educational Resources promotes textbook affordability for community college and university students, and facilitates widespread adoption of open, low-cost, high-quality materials.


Highlighted Webinars

On the (Anti-Racist) Politics of Anti-Racism Research

Date: May 15, 2021

The 2021 Annual Lecture on Research & Scholarship was delivered by David James Hudson on May 11, 2021. The event is hosted each year by the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarian's Research & Scholarship Committee.


Anti-Racism Work and Women in Librarianship

Date: April 16, 2021

A session from ALA Midwinter 2021 on anti-racism work and women in librarianship. Presented by Loida Garcia-Febo, Twanna Hodge, Dr. Nicole Cooke, Tasha Nins, and Shauntee Burns-Simpson. This session was hosted by ALA's Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (COSWL).


Doors Wide Open: Advancing Inclusive Access to Special Collections

Date: March 9, 2021

In an era in which institutions are being compelled to address their historical lack of inclusiveness, how can special collections and archives break down these barriers, perceived and actual? How can the broad diversity of the student population be successfully welcomed virtually and in person, and encouraged to engage with primary-source materials? Six panelists (including our old pal, Kelci) from Santa Clara University, The Huntington Library, University of California Riverside, and the University of Southern California presented on these topics.


Cataloging in the Time of COVID

Date: January 13, 2021

A behind-the-scenes look at how a recent acquisition of American history materials—the Shapiro collection—came to be in The Huntington's collections, how the foundational American collections have been accessed by researchers over time, and how all these materials are being made more accessible through the art of archival processing, a crucial element of collections care and stewardship. 


NISO Change Management Webinar Series: Moving into the Future

Date: December 16, 2020

In this final webinar of the series, participants will discuss how they and their organizations are navigating the changes, and the additional adaptations that may be required or made possible as we start to think about a post-COVID world. 


Webinar: Making the Most of CRL Membership

Date: December 11, 2020

What can CRL do for your patrons? How can CRL assist you and your library’s staff? How can you make the most of your CRL membership?


Collections up Close: The Digital Collection as a Tool for Close Examination

Date: December 10, 2020

This program explores how educators, librarians, curators, artists, writers, and students can harness the power of digital archives and storytelling at a time when many of us are missing the hands-on experience of using library collections.


I'm Still Speaking: Amplifying the Black Experience in LIS

Date: December 2, 2020

Featured five amazing Black librarians who shared their candid and informative experiences with the LIS profession.


NISO Change Management Webinar Series: Team Building

Date: November 18, 2020

Over the past few months, everyone has had to become accustomed to meeting in virtual environments, as well as mastering other technologies that allow us to continue to work together collaboratively — within and outside our organizations. This roundtable discussion will address both the fun side of learning new ways of working together and the deeper issues of setting expectations, accommodating different requirements, and identifying the constraints that made clear where boundaries would be needed. 


NISO RP-19-2020, Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery

Date: November 16, 2020

In this 60-minute webinar, Ken Varnum and Geoff Morse, ODI Standing Committee members, highlight the recommended practice and the benefits of NISO's recently updated Open Discovery Initiative Recommended Practice. 


Collecting & Copyright: Three Case Studies

Date: November 10, 2020

For those who collect, curate, or deal in contemporary rare books and archives, copyright law can present formidable restrictions on the access and use of rare materials not yet in the public domain. At the same time, the study of former copyright laws, now out of date, can provide insight into past publishing histories, particularly the ways in which copyright shaped and influenced the spread of books and images in print. 


NISO Change Management Webinar Series: Delivering Services in a Pandemic

Date: October 28, 2020

Whether working remotely, on-site or in some hybrid form, information organizations and institutions found that many basic services had to be managed and delivered in new and different forms. From providing remote support to customers, to delivering seamless online access to content, to meeting the needs of scattered students and faculty, everyone’s workflows had to be adapted. Standard access services that are normally taken for granted had to be rethought. This webinar will address what these changes meant for all those who provide information services of any sort. 


NISO Change Management Webinar Series: Supporting The Workforce

Date: October 21, 2020

What has the impact been on information workflows and internal systems? How did institutions and organizations in our community work to mitigate some of the significant challenges experienced by their workforce? In this webinar we will hear from information industry professionals about how they and their organizations supported the people in their workforce and what they learned they could do to support them.


NISO Change Management Webinar Series: The Information Community Adapts

Date: October 14, 2020

The Roundtable Discussion format will bring together stakeholders from across the information community to discuss the decision-making processes they and their organizations used to deal with the pandemic, and the key factors that enabled them to successfully react and adapt to the uncertainty.


NISO Open Access Monographs: What You Need to Know, Part Two

Date: August 20, 2020

Which stakeholders are currently delivering them and using them? Which current business models are most likely to represent sustainability for those stakeholders? In that context, the second session of this two-part webinar focuses specifically on OA monographs.


NISO By Faculty and For Students: Supporting Open Educational Resources, Part One

Date: August 12, 2020

Open Educational Resources (OER) might seem like a win/win for students and faculty alike, but adoption isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. In the first session of this two-part webinar, a panel of experts will address some of the key challenges, including: How can you successfully drive buy-in by your undergraduates?


NISO No More Big Deal? Picking and Choosing Titles for Use

Date: July 6, 2020

More than 20 years since it was first introduced, some institutions are moving away from the “Big Deal”, which licenses institutional access to a critical mass of content. There are pros and cons of doing so, and this roundtable discussion will bring together speakers from institutions that have already stepped back from such deals and those for whom taking that step is — for whatever reason—- not yet an option.


NFAIS Forethought: Artificial Intelligence #1 – Planning for Implementation

Date: April 8, 2020

How information companies like yours might — and do — use AI to enhance their products and services; how you can you best strategically approach the technology needed to do so; what costs may be incurred; and what’s the right balance between customization and privacy. 


NISO Building Data Science Skills: Strategic Support for the Work, Part Two

Date: March 18, 2020

This webinar focused on the on-going need for information professionals to be well-versed in data science skills in order to successfully support the work of the students, scholars, and other professionals you serve.


NFAIS Forethought: Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Internal Systems

Date: February 12, 2020

How should enterprises and institutions be thinking about their cybersecurity needs? What basic requirements should be in place? What guidelines or best practices exist? What are the best resources?


The Road to Copyright Clarity, Part One

Date: February 11, 2020 

This free webinar introduces key ideas about copyright, based on Renee Hobbs’ book as it applies to the work of librarians in public, academic, school, and special library contexts.


NISO Webinar, Talking to Your Organization’s IT Group When You’re Not an IT Person, Part Two

Date: January 22, 2020

What if you or your colleagues are dependent upon an external IT group, one that has different professional priorities? What might be the best tips and tricks for communicating library needs and concerns to those IT groups? They may be using the same vocabulary but associating a different definition with the terminology. 


NISO Webinar, Identity Management and Authentication Strategies, Part One

Date: January 15, 2020

This roundtable will feature discussion by a variety of stakeholders (chief technology officers, information professionals, producers of content and service providers) to talk about available system options, their reliability and the benefits gained in their use. 

Ask A Librarian