Submit Your Expense Report in Concur
You need a copy of your approved LDF request(s) in order to submit a Concur report. It will be your trusty guide.
- Find the PDF of your approved LDF request for any expenses in your monthly report.
- The PDF of your approved LDF request was attached to an email you received from Shawn, with the title "Your LDF Request XXX has been Approved."
- Attach the PDF of the approved LDF request(s) to the report.
- From the menu directly below the report name, select Manage Receipts > Manage Attachments and then attach the LDF request form.
- Use the FOAP that is provided in the approved LDF request for all expenses related to that LDF request.
- If you have unexpected expenses (that were not included in the expense categories on the approved LDF request) contact the committee prior to submitting the expense report to see if a supplemental LDF request is needed.
Submit one expense report per month for all incurred LDF charges (Pcard reconciliations and reimbursement requests).
Things to Keep in Mind
- Expense reports must be submitted in Concur at the end of each month in which you have incurred expenses. (Expense reports are officially due the first day of the month.) This is a university requirement.
- Submit one Concur report with all of your expenses that have been incurred during the month.
- There is no correlation between an expense report and an LDF activity. Your LDF expenses for a specific event/activity may very likely be spread over several monthly expense reports. Do not wait to submit your expense reports until you have incurred all expenses for an LDF activity.
Notes for Submitting Expense Reports in Concur
Report Name: Month_Year. Example: October 2021
Report Business Purpose: LDF Expenses
At the report-level, attach the approved LDF request form(s) (PDF) as it relates to any expense included in the report. From the menu directly below the report name, select Manage Receipts --> Manage Attachments and then attach the LDF request form. See image.
Individual Expenses
Business Purpose
In the “Business Purpose” field of each expense, include the "Name of Activity/Event" to which the expense relates. The "Name of Activity/Event" is found on your LDF request. It should look like this: Last Name_Brief Activity Name_Activity Year. Example: Lyon ALA 2019. See image.
FOAP Numbers
All LDF fund expenses should be assigned the following FOAP numbers:
- FUND: use the individual fund (LDF FOAP) that correctly identifies the fiscal year in which the request was approved, for example, “285001 O FDF Anders Lyon”. The correct FOAP can be found on your approved LDF Request Form. See image.
- CHARGING ORG: 351004
- ACCOUNT: varies by expense type
- PROGRAM: 1200
Double-check each expense item before submitting your expense report. Usual Concur expense codes for LDF travel:
- Travel Meals 716430
- Hotel & Lodging 716210
- Airfare 716010
- Conference Registrations 716610
- Ground Transport, taxi, tolls, and Parking 716030
- Internet, Telephone, Cable TV 712110
- Car Rental 716020
- Mileage Allowance 716040
- Do not use "Other Operating Expense." All expenses must be categorized. If your expense does not seem to fit in any of the above categories, consult with the committee or the business manager.
Attach receipts at the expense-level for these transactions:
- Personal credit card or cash: Itemized receipt needed for ALL transactions
- P-card:Itemized receipt needed for transactions $50 or more
Additional Tips
- Use Missing Receipt form if you were unable to get a receipt. This form is available on the ABS website:
- Keep your receipts at least until your Concur expense report has been approved. You can tell that a Concur expense report has gone through the full approval process when the status is set to “Extracted for Payment.”
- Make sure to obtain an itemized hotel folio upon checking out of your lodging, and include it with your Concur expense report if an e-receipt is not provided.
- If you buy food from a market to eat over several days instead of eating at restaurants, list the total amount on your expense report as Travel Meals 716430 and explain in the Comments. For example, you could indicate “breakfast for 6/4, 6/5 & 6/6” or “breakfast 6/4, lunch 6/4, breakfast 6/5”.
- If you charge room service to your hotel bill, add a note in the Comment field “includes room service Travel Meals $amount(s).”
Concur FAQ - FAQs courtesy of USF's Accounting and Business Services (ABS)