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President's Day
The library will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day. See all library hours.

Librarian Development Fund Committee

Trip Changes and Cancellations

If you must cancel a trip, notify the Committee immediately. Try to obtain a refund or credit for any paid expenses. Follow standard reconciliation procedures to report spent and unspent funds. For cancellations for any reason other than documented illness, family emergency, or other unavoidable and documented circumstances, amounts not refunded must be reimbursed to the USF Librarian Development Fund by the requestor.

University travel policy regarding airline tickets: If a traveler must cancel an airline ticket, and a credit towards a future purchase is received, the credit must be used towards the traveler’s next University business trip. The University will not reimburse travelers for tickets obtained with frequent flier miles. With regard to Librarian professional development, “next University business trip” means next LDF travel. When you use the credit for your next LDF trip, you will only need to request the difference between the credit and the price of airfare. Note this on your request.

To reimburse the university:

  1. In Concur, mark the expense as “personal expense -- do not reimburse.”
  2. Write a check payable to USF, with “LDF <fund code>” in the memo line.
  3. Print a copy of the expense report (summary page is acceptable).
  4. Deliver check and copy of report to Accounting and Business Services (hand carry or send via interoffice mail).
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