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Librarian Development Fund Committee

Submit a Librarian Development Fund Request

We require two weeks notice from the start of the activity you are applying for.

Guidelines for LDF Applications

Please use the following naming convention to fill in the "Name of Activity/Event" field:

  • Template: [your last name] [brief activity/event name] [year of event]
  • Example: Lyon ALA 2022

Use this checklist to help prepare your application: Checklist

Use this spreadsheet to find your individual LDF FOAP (odd/even) and initial spending target: Spreadsheet

Save a copy of your Approved LDF Request Form. You will need to attach this to your Concur Expense Reports and for your Reconciliation Report.

Things to keep in mind when submitting your application:

  • Include all expenses related to an event in one LDF request.
  • Contact the committee if you have concerns about about exceeding your spending target. If additional expenses are deemed necessary, submit a separate supplemental LDF request.
  • If actual costs exceed your expected expenses after LDF approval, alert the LDF committee via email and submit a separate supplemental LDF request.
  • If your request is less than two weeks in advance or being submitted in the summer, please alert the LDF committee via email.

Expense Category Notes

These guidelines are not an exhaustive list of allowable expense categories; rather, they describe the most common LDF-related expenses. Librarians are strongly encouraged to contact the committee to inquire about additional potential use-cases for LDF not represented in this list.

Airline tickets

  • In general, book your air travel by the most direct route, in economy class, and at the lowest airfare available. Additional fees for early boarding, security pre-screening, extra leg room, and similar additional fees are not chargeable to the Fund and must be reimbursed if a P-Card was used for purchase. (Southwest Airlines' fees can be particularly confusing, so please double-check that you are not separately purchasing early boarding.) Exceptions may be granted to fly business class only for international travel or for a documented medical reason.
  • The per trip dollar limit for air travel within the continental United States (CONUS) is set forth in Appendix A to the University Travel and Entertainment Policy. As of 8/10/2021: $750.
  • The University will pay for one checked bag to transport the traveler’s personal belongings, as well as the cost to check any baggage necessary to support the business purpose of the trip (e.g., meeting materials and equipment, etc.)
  • The committee asks you to plan ahead as much as possible. We know that airfare changes  rapidly. Use the range of airfares provided by Concur or another travel service to estimate your request. You do not need to book through Concur.
  • Increase your estimate by $50 or $100 to leave room for price possible increases.
  • You are strongly encouraged to use the University travel agent, accessible via Concur Travel. When you book with Concur, the University is able to get a better discount rate and receive credit for cancelled flights directly. The travel agency will help when flights are delayed and your spending limits will automatically be raised if you become stranded.
  • If additional personal travel is added on, you may not use Concur Travel for booking, and you must pay the additional cost. If the added cost cannot be determined separately, the average round trip fare to the conference site will be allowed. Travel for family members may not be booked on Concur.

Rental Vehicles

  • Requests need strong rationale for renting a car over using public transportation, taxis, shuttles,and so forth.
  • USF Accounting and Business Services Risk Management advises employees become authorized drivers to rent cars. See for more information.

Personal Vehicles

  • You may use a personal vehicle when it is more cost-effective than purchasing a round trip economy airline ticket or using alternate forms of ground transportation. See USF Travel and Entertainment Policy “Personal Vehicles.”
  • USF Accounting and Business Services Risk Management advises that if a personal vehicle is driven for business, the driver is responsible to ensure their car is of proper maintenance and maintains adequate insurance. See USF Vehicular Use Policy


  • The Librarian Development Fund will pay for the duration of the conference at either the conference hotel(s) or other, similarly priced accommodations for conferences and events that are 50 miles or more from USF.
  • The per night limit for hotels within the continental United States (CONUS) is set forth in Appendix A to the University Travel and Entertainment Policy. As of 8/10/2021: $275 per night, excluding taxes and required fees.


  • You may use your p-card or request reimbursement for the amount in USF Travel and Entertainment Policy Appendix A (currently, up to $75 per day within the continental U.S.) for food while attending an event or conference more than 50 miles from USF. This includes meals on travel days to and from the event, but not meals already included as part of conference registration fees. You can also purchase groceries.
  • For local conferences (less than 50 miles from USF) only meals during the actual conference times are reimbursable. For example, if the conference is 9am – 4pm and lunch is not included, lunch will be reimbursed; for a conference that runs 9am - 9pm, lunch and dinner will be reimbursed.
  • The Librarian Development Fund reimburses under the Actual Expense Method and does not use the Per Diem Method. In other words, you will be reimbursed for what you actually spend on food.


  • The Fund will pay registration costs for conferences, pre-conferences, webinars, continuing education courses, etc. Payment for “Early bird,” Preliminary or Advance registration rates are highly encouraged.

Ground Transportation

  • Costs of public transportation, airport shuttles and taxis, including reasonable tips, are acceptable services to and from airports, meetings, and hotels and are reimbursable.
  • Parking your own vehicle is also covered, in conjunction with Personal Vehicle policy.
  • Long-term airport parking in lieu of ground transportation is also reimbursable.
  • Please describe your ground transportation needs in the Notes field.

Internet Access

  • The Fund will also pay for reasonable, business/research-related use of the Internet if it is not included in the price of the conference hotel.

Presentation Support

  • Poster printing and/or supplies needed for presentations can be included in Librarian Development Fund requests. Please include these expenses and documentation of estimates in the category called "Other".

Equipment, Hardware, Software

  • The Fund will pay for equipment, hardware, and software so long as the request is for a one-time purchase (ongoing subscriptions will not be covered) that solely relates to a librarian’s research project. The librarian must provide an explanation as to why their request cannot be filled via existing USF resources (ITS, other departments on campus) and how the item(s) requested support the research project. The requesting librarian is wholly responsible for vetting technical capability, system compatibility, working with ITS, etc. as necessary. The Fund will not cover requests that relate to a librarian’s job duties.

Supplementary Texts or Materials

  • The Fund will pay for supplementary texts or materials that support professional development courses and are designed for one-time or individual use (e.g. workbooks, textbooks, instructor guides, etc.). The Fund will not pay for materials that could be acquired for the library’s collection (internal reference or general circulation).

Expenses Not Covered by the Librarian Development Fund

  • Memberships in professional organizations even if that would qualify you for a lower registration rate. Either join on your own or register at the non-member rate.
  • Attendance at recreational “add-on” conference events such as local tours.
  • Fees for guests to attend conference events or activities.
  • Additional fees for early boarding, security pre-screening, extra leg room, and similar additional fees are not chargeable to the Fund and must be reimbursed if a P-Card was used for purchase.
  • Overnight stays for local conferences and events (less than 50 miles from USF).
  • Travel insurance is not supported.
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