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Selected Library Resources for Architecture


Journal & Magazine Articles

Architecture: Design and History

Architecture: Engineering & Materials

Multi-Subject Resources

Reference Sources



High-Resolution Images

Books, Videos and Multimedia

Other suggestions for searching Ignacio:

  • Search by Subject for the architect's name (last name first) to locate books ABOUT that person, including autobiographies, letters, etc.
  • You might also try Subject searches for terms such as Architecture History.

Browsing the Book Stacks

Architecture books are on the 3rd Floor South of Gleeson, in the NA section.

Nearby are the design books in the NC section. Very large books are called "Folios" and have their own section on the third floor.


Call number classifications for Architecture



NA100–130—Architecture and the state


NA1995—Architecture as a profession

NA2000–2320—Study and teaching. Research


NA2400–2460—Museums. Exhibitions

NA2500–2599—General works

NA 2599.5–2599.9—Architectural criticism

NA2695–2793—Architectural drawing and design

NA2835–4050—Details and decoration

NA4100–8480—Special classes of buildings

NA4100–4145—Classed by material

NA4150–4160—Classed by form

NA4170–8480—Classed by use

NA4170–(7020)—Public buildings

NA4590–5621—Religious architecture

NA7100–7884—Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings

NA7910–8125—Clubhouses, guild houses, etc.

NA8200–8260—Farm architecture

NA8300–8480—Outbuildings, gates, fences, etc.

NA9000–9428—Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying

Dissertations and Theses

Architecture icon by Smalllike from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0).

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