Citation Management Tools
- RefWorksRefWorks is an online reference manager subscription paid for by the Library.
Create your own personal database of references which are correctly formatted in any citation style you choose: APA, MLA, and hundreds more. Insert citations into your research papers and automatically create the bibliography. RefWorks is a cloud-based system that offers unlimited online storage, and works best with a consistent internet connection. Google Docs integration requires the use of a non-USF Gmail account due to network security settings.
Start by creating an account using your USF email address.
Review the RefWorks Guide or book an appointment for help getting started
Create a RefWorks Account
Import References into RefWorks
Organize References, Create In-text Citations, Generate Reference Lists
- ZoteroZotero is free, easy-to-use, open source reference management software.
Use the Zotero software to create a database of references, generate works cited pages, share research, and organize PDFs. You can access your Zotero collection offline, and Zotero works best on a full operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux). Zotero automatically integrates with Microsoft Word, Google Docs (both USF and personal accounts), and LibreOffice.
Installing and Using Zotero for Mac
Installing and Using Zotero for Windows
- ZoteroBibZoteroBib is a free, online tool that helps you create a works cited page without software or an account.
This a quick solution for researchers who are not using a reference management system to collect and organize research.