The inaugural RID Survey Scholar was Zoe Hume in Fall 2022. Among Zoe's contributions are:
- 79 annotations in a bibliography [Google Drive]
- Collections Description Audit Proposal [PDF]
- Final presentation [video recording in USF Scholarship Repository] [slides]
- Descriptive Practice for Social Justice: An Internship Reflection [Gleeson Gleanings blog post]
- FSU/USF Instagram Collaboration Post
Zoe also participated in panel discussions with Annie Reid and Justine Withers at:
- USF CTE 3D Symposium, February 22, 2023 [recording] [slides]
- Society of California Archivists, April 6-8, 2023 [slides]
- SCELC Channel One: Reparative Cataloging at SCELC Institutions (September 23, 2022)