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Study Areas & Rooms

Find the perfect place for individual study or group work.

Group Study Rooms

Locations: Lower Level, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, and 3rd Floor

The Library has 29 rooms available to reserve for group study and discussion.


Silent, Quiet, and Conversation Study Areas

Everyone has their own preferences for studying. In order to accommodate these differing needs, we have designated silent, quiet, and conversation zones in the library.

Study Zones

silent study areaSilent Study Area

Locations: 1st Floor and 3rd Floor

Tranquil. Solo. On point.
Focused. Unplugged. Seriously silent.
Free from your cell phone. Free to be brilliant. 

The silent study room on the first floor is designed for those who seek a study area totally free from distraction: no cell phones, no laptops, no ear buds, no noise. We invite you to try it out and watch your productivity sky rocket.

quiet study areaQuiet Study Area

Locations: 1st Floor and 3rd Floor

Studying alone. Peace. Respectful. 
Low key.
Getting stuff done. In your own world.
Studying with headphones. Calm. Few distractions.

The quiet study areas on the first and third floors are a vision of the traditional library: there may be background noise like foot traffic and computer use, and you can whisper to your friend if you have a question, but the hush of concentration hangs in the air. All in all you’re looking to be part of a space of students studying on their own quietly.

conversation study areaConversation Study Area

Locations: 1st Floor2nd Floor, and 4th Floor

Teaming up. Creating knowledge.
Library voices. 
Philosophic discussion. Ethical debate. 
Pleasant humming.
Pooling resources. Brainstorming. Troubleshooting.
Peer to peer, face to face. 

Conversation areas give you the freedom to work on group projects, cram for exams in study groups, and get help from library staff. Need to take a brief cell phone call? No problem. Everyone keeps their voices at a reasonable volume, and the invigoration of collaboration energizes the vibe.

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