United States Legislation and Statutes
- ProQuest CongressionalProQuest Congressional is especially useful for performing legislative histories and locating Congressional documents. It is also very useful for tracking legislation and major public policy issues, locating recent Congressional documents and related material in full text, and learning more about Congress and the legislative process.
- ProQuest Legislative InsightCongress produces a variety of publications as a bill moves through the legislative process on its way to becoming a law. A compilation of these full text primary source publications produces a legislative history that is valuable to a wide variety of researchers. Legislative Insight offers a research citation page that not only links to the full text of the associated primary source publications, but allows the user to do a Search Within from that very page that searches the full text of all the associated publications with one-click.
- Congress.govFull-text database useful for tracking legislation in Congress, produced by the Library of Congress.
- United States Code (Office of the Law Revision Counsel)The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives.
- United States Code (Government Publishing Office)Contains the text of the general and permanent laws of the United States.
- National Survey of State LawsRichard Leiter’s National Survey of State Laws provides an overall view of some of the most frequently sought-after and controversial legal topics in the United States. This database is derived from the print edition’s convenient chart format and enables users to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws.
California Legislation and Statutes
- California Legislative InformationStatus, history, votes, analyses, etc., of California legislation. Includes California Code.
- California CodeThe California Codes are 29 legal codes enacted by the California State Legislature, which together form the general statutory law of California.
All States
- State Legislature WebsitesThis directory provides the website for the legislature of every state, territory, and the District of Columbia.
- NCSL 50-State Bill Tracking DatabasesTrack bills across all 50-states in the National Conference on State Legislature's searchable bill tracking databases. Select a topic listed below to find complete bill information. The status of bills listed in these databases is updated every week. Search by subtopics, year, status (e.g., pending, enacted, to governor, etc.) or enter keywords to identify bills.
- BillTrack50BillTrack50 is a free service for citizens to look up information about federal and state bills and legislators. Register for a free account to start searching right away.