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RefWorks Guide

Add References 

There are a few ways to add references to RefWorks:

Import References from Databases Into RefWorks 

Databases without the direct export to RefWorks functionality often have an option to download references as an RIS file. RIS is a file format used by RefWorks. After downloading the file, log into RefWorks and select Add > Import References > Drop the RIS file or select it from your computer.



Download a RIS file:

  1. Select the Scopus records of interest
  2. In the menu near the top, click on the drop-down arrow next to  "Export."
  3. Under File types, choose "RIS."

  4. Select the information you want to export. We recommend that you include all items under "Citation information" and also select all options under "Bibliographical information", and "Abstract and Keywords."
  5. Click "Export." A file name like "scopus.ris" will be saved to your downloads file, or, you may be offered the chance to name and select a location for the file.

export preferences


Upload the saved RIS file to RefWorks

  1. In RefWorks, click the "+ Add" menu and select "Import References"

  2. Open your computer's file finder/explorer and drag the downloaded Scopus RIS file into the "Drop file here" area.

  3. RefWorks may recognize the file in RIS format. If it does not, in the Import References window, enter "RIS Format" and select it from the file type drop-down menu.

  4. Select "Scopus" from the databases drop-down menu and click "Import." 

scopus import


5.  You can assign the selected references to an existing or new folder.  Once the import process is complete, click "Go to Last Imported" to ensure your references were imported. 

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