Essential Economics by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2004-05-01The purpose of this book is “to demystify the most important pieces of economic jargon.” Contains brief, plain English entries, arranged in alphabetical orderThe SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2016-01-06Emphasizes the contemporary world, contemporary issues, and society.The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2009-01-11Includes more than 300 up-to-date entries covering a wide range of topics in international trade, finance, production, and economic development.The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2003-10-16Nearly 900 articles covering topics in 11 main areas: countries and regions; cities; agriculture; production systems, business history, and technology; demography; institutions, governments, and markets; macroeconomic history and international economies; money, banking, and finance; labor; natural resources and the environment; biographies.Gale Encyclopedia of U. S. Economic History by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2000-01-01Contents are arranged alphabetically by subject area. The section entitled “Contents by Era” helps facilitate locating topics by general time period. Also includes an extensive chronology of U.S. economic history from early civilizations to 1999. Entries include “See also” references, recommendations for further reading, and often contain maps or photographs.Encyclopedia of Political Economy by
Call Number: HB61 .E554 1999Publication Date: 1999-03-19A fully refereed collection of approximately 450 original articles documenting the current state of knowledge in political economy. Emphasis is placed on research and theories developed during the 1960s - 1990s. Articles are arranged in alphabetical order by major subject area; use the index at the back of Volume 2 to find more specific topics. Entries include bibliographies and “See also” references.The World Economy - A Millennial Perspective by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2001-05-01Covers the development of the entire world economy over the last 2000 years. Published by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the purpose of this book is to quantify the economic performance of nations over the very long term. Includes over 200 tables and graphs. Appendices include time series data on population, GDP, employment, labor productivity, and value and volume of exports.World Development Report 2017 by
Call Number: ebook available onlinePublication Date: 2017-02-02An annual publication of The World Bank, The World Development Report (WDR) is a valuable guide to the economic, social and environmental state of the world today. Each year the WDR provides in depth analysis of a specific aspect of development. Past reports have considered such topics as sustainable development, the role of the state, transition economies, labor, infrastructure, health, the environment, and poverty. Contains graphs, tables, charts, and a bibliography.
- Annual ReviewsEach year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide researchers to the principal contributions of their field and help them keep up to date in their area of research. Each article is its own search engine, providing a gateway to the essential primary research literature referenced within each topic.
- Oxford Handbooks OnlineOxford Handbooks Online brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate.