- SF FindMerges census, government and city data all in one platform specifically designed for the city of San Francisco.
- San Francisco Property Information MapUse this to retrieve data on specific properties.
- SF Association of Realtors NeighborhoodsSan Francisco Neighborhoods as designated by the San Francisco Association of Realtors (SFAR) in August 2010.
- SF Department of City Planning NeighborhoodsNeighborhood notification boundaries created by the San Francisco Department of City Planning. These boundaries are designed solely for the Planning Department's neighborhood notifications where neighborhood groups are notified about certain types of developments in their area.
- SF Find Neighborhoods (Mayor's Office)Neighborhood boundaries that were defined in 2006 by the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services for use with the SF Find tool. All boundaries are for the purpose of defining general locations of neighborhoods for the SF FIND application only, and as such they are not "hard" lines of demarcation.
- PolicyMap
Thousands of U.S. data indicators for demographic and socioeconomic analysis. PolicyMap data can be presented as maps, tables, charts and pre-built reports that can be incorporated into papers, presentations, blogs and websites. In addition, students can upload unlimited amounts of their own address-based data, and can share these maps with others.
- Social ExplorerAfter logging in, you will need to create a personal account on the Social Explorer site. Social Explorer provides quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information. The easy-to-use web interface lets users create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand demography and social change.
- Digital Sanborn MapsSanborn Volume Finder: San Francisco - for addresses in San Francisco, use this tool to quickly identify the corresponding Sanborn Volume.
- Data Axle Reference SolutionsDirectory information for publicly and privately owned companies in the United States, as well as information about individual consumers. Formerly called Reference Solutions / ReferenceUSA.