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President's Day
The library will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day. See all library hours.

Videos & Streaming Media for Faculty

Guide to media collections and requests for faculty.

Video Requests

USF faculty, librarians and staff may request that the library acquire film or video content, or renew a video license. All inquiries about video use must be submitted via the Faculty Video Request Form. This process ensures that library staff can track and respond to all inquiries in a timely manner. Please allow 2-3 weeks for library staff to process your request.

Thousands of videos, clips and other audiovisual materials are available in the Library's collections, listed on our main guide to video and streaming media. They include thousands of titles made newly available to support online learning. Please check Ignacio, the library catalog, for a needed title, check for a licensing expiration date in the catalog, and make a request if needed.

The library's guide to Linking to Library Resources explains how to use permalinks for the best access to streaming video titles. Also see our instructions to embed streaming video titles from Alexander Street or Films on Demand into Canvas course pages.

To place a video on course reserves for your students, see our guide to Course Reserves for Faculty.

In addition to the video collections listed in our guide, other sources of video content available to USF faculty are below.

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