Consumer Behavior, Attitudes, Overviews: U.S. and International
- StatistaEasy to use statistics search engine with access to more than a million statistics and facts.
- Think with GoogleThis free resource contains analysis done on trends, digital communications, consumers, and marketing by using data from Google searches. presented in visuals and interactive reports. Can do keyword searching or browse topics.
- Facebook IQ Insights to GoProvides consumer insights in the form of data, reports, and other information. Search by Region, People, Industry, or Marketing Platform, and these can be combined in a search. Information is from interactions on Facebook platforms.
- Nielsen InsightsIncludes reports on various consumer groups. Insights link at the top leads to shorter news articles, and for longer reports scroll down to Perspectives or Reports, or listen to Podcasts.
- Nielsen Diverse IntelligenceReports on consumers based on race, sexual orientation, and more.
Consumer News: U.S. and International
- ProQuest One BusinessA comprehensive business database containing millions of full-text items across scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more. Includes the full text of the Wall Street Journal. Formerly called ABI/INFORM Collection
- Business Source CompleteThis is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included.
- Ethnic NewsWatchEthnic NewsWatch covers 1990 to present and includes newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The publications offer both national and regional coverage
Consumer Demographics: U.S.
- is the new platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau. It replaces the American FactFinder website, which was retired in 2020.
- Racial and Ethnic Groups Data LinksIncludes specific links highlighting demographic and business data on racial and ethnic groups. From the US Census Bureau.
- Statistical Abstract of the United StatesThe Statistical Abstract of the United States is a one-volume, comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
- Claritas: My Best SegmentsThis web site groups consumers into general categories, with brief descriptions and demographic information. Use the Zip Code Look-Up to get information about consumers in a particular area in both descriptions and graphs. There are three categories of information for consumers; PRIZM, P$YCLE, which describes the financial status of consumers, and ConneXions, which describes the level of technology use and connectivity of consumers. Use Segment Details to view descriptions of all of the consumer segments on the web site. Use the Narrow Segments button in the middle of the screen to search for consumer groups by age, income, and other categories.
- Pew Research CenterA non-partisan research group that collects and presents data, opinions, and reports on American attitudes, activities, and trends. Browse by topic, or type in your search.
- Social ExplorerAfter logging in, you will need to create a personal account on the Social Explorer site. Social Explorer provides quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information. The easy-to-use web interface lets users create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand demography and social change.
- PolicyMap
Thousands of U.S. data indicators for demographic and socioeconomic analysis. PolicyMap data can be presented as maps, tables, charts and pre-built reports that can be incorporated into papers, presentations, blogs and websites. In addition, students can upload unlimited amounts of their own address-based data, and can share these maps with others.
- IBISWorldSelect consumer information can be found within the US Business Environment Profiles. To find them, click on Industry Research > US > US Business Environment Profiles OR US Business Environment State Profiles. To view the categories available, look under the headings Consumer Behavior, Demographics, and Other Indicators. These are brief but useful reports, and they mention the sources and organizations from which the information came, which can lead you to more information.
- Sports Market AnalyticsThe database combines market research from the largest single research supplier to the industry, the National Sporting Goods Association; the U.S. Department of Commerce; various sports governing bodies; and full-text articles from 14 magazines and newsletters published by Miller Freeman, the world's largest sporting goods trade publisher, and newsletters provided by leading independent industry experts.
- RKMA Market Research Handbook SeriesCollection of ebooks with consumer information and data for the U.S. Titles include:
Consumer Behavior 2025
Consumer Marketing & Advertising 2025
Consumer Use Of The Internet & Mobile 2025
Entertainment & Leisure Market Research 2025
Restaurant, Food & Beverage Market Research 2025
Retail & E-Commerce Market Research 2025
Sports Marketing 2025
Travel & Tourism Market Research 2025
U.S. Cities & Communities 2025
Consumer Demographics: International
This gender data portal is a one-stop shop for gender information, catering to a wide range of users and providing data from a variety of sources. Data at the country level are organized under six thematic headings, including economic opportunities, health, education, decision-making, and more.
United Nations Demographic and Social Statistics
Includes information on demographics of countries, income and consumption, and more.
US Census Bureau International Data Base (IDB)
Statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world.
International Statistical Agencies
Statistical web sites for countries and areas of the world, compiled by the government of each.
Consumer Demographics: California/San Francisco Bay Area
- is the new platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau. It replaces the American FactFinder website, which was retired in 2020.
- Claritas: My Best SegmentsThis web site groups consumers into general categories, with brief descriptions and demographic information. Use the Zip Code Look-Up to get information about consumers in a particular area in both descriptions and graphs. There are three categories of information for consumers; PRIZM, P$YCLE, which describes the financial status of consumers, and ConneXions, which describes the level of technology use and connectivity of consumers. Use Segment Details to view descriptions of all of the consumer segments on the web site. Use the Narrow Segments button in the middle of the screen to search for consumer groups by age, income, and other categories.
- PolicyMap
Thousands of U.S. data indicators for demographic and socioeconomic analysis. PolicyMap data can be presented as maps, tables, charts and pre-built reports that can be incorporated into papers, presentations, blogs and websites. In addition, students can upload unlimited amounts of their own address-based data, and can share these maps with others.
- Social ExplorerAfter logging in, you will need to create a personal account on the Social Explorer site. Social Explorer provides quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information. The easy-to-use web interface lets users create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand demography and social change.
Citing Your Sources
Whenever you do research, you will need to cite the information sources that you use. Most business scholars use APA style. Here are some tools that can help you with this task:
Gleeson Library's guide to citations: How? Why? When?
- APA 7th Edition Citations for Business SourcesAn excellent guide to using APA 7th edition style for popular business sources. Scroll through the guide to find an example for the business source you are using in your research. Compiled by librarians Naomi Schemm, Marcia Dellenbach, Zachary Grisham, Marianne Hageman, Natalia Tingle, Matt Trowbridge, and Amanda Wheatley
- Citing Business Databases in APA: Michigan State University GuideThis guide was created to help with citing some common business databases
- Citing Business Databases from the University of North Carolina at GreensboroThis guide has some additional business database examples in APA style.
- MLA Business Citations: Youngstown State UniversityScroll down the page to see citations for specific business web sites, reports, and databases cited in MLA style.
- Purdue OWLOur favorite style guide web site is the OWL from Purdue University.
- RefWorksRefWorks allows users to create personal databases to manage, store, and share the information citations/references. Users can automatically insert references from their database into their papers and generate formatted bibliographies and manuscripts in seconds. See our RefWorks Guide for information about creating accounts, adding references, and using add-ons.
Getting Help!
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