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Public Leadership

This handout offers an overview of the library’s online research guide for Public Leadership. It lists several databases that will help you get started with your research: Fusion (one search for most of the library's collection), National Journal (nonpartisan news), Access World News (newspapers from around the world), Proquest Congressional (U.S. government documents), Military and Government Publications (magazine and journal articles) and Statista (statistics on many topics). All of these databases can be accessed on the library’s Databases A to Z page. The handout also includes information on how to build your search strategy. Using the AND operator requires both terms (ex. opiate AND addiction). The OR operator searches for one or the other terms or both (ex. addiction OR abuse). NOT excludes a term (ex. NOT book review). Placing an asterisk at the end of your term includes various word endings (ex. addict*). Placing quotes around your term looks for the exact phrase (ex. “health policy”). Information about managing your research and creating a list of works cited is also included on the graphic. Find more information about creating a RefWorks account. Carol Spector is the library liaison for the Environmental Management program. She can be contacted by email at, by phone at 415.422.2040, and by appointment.

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