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Cancellations and Withdrawals

An overview of Gleeson Library's necessary cancellation and withdrawal projects.

2019 Database and Journal Cancellation Project

Cancellation List

After analyzing cost and usage data, and collecting feedback from faculty, the Library made the decision to cancel the following resources:

  • Combined Chemical Dictionary — access ended 10/2019
  • IOP Science — access ended 11/2019
  • LearnTechLib — access ended 2/2020

The Library has made efforts to minimize impact on student learning, as well as faculty teaching and research. If you have any questions, please fill out the feedback form.


Scholarly journal prices are projected to increase by 6% in 2019 (see chart below), while the library materials budget has decreased over the past three fiscal years.

chart projecting 6% increase in scholarly journal prices for 2019

Given the budget projections faced by the university for FY20, Gleeson Library is preparing for a significant cut to our acquisitions budget, which, coupled with the predicted subscription price increases, means we may need to reduce our annual materials expenditures by as much as 15%, or roughly $350,000. We plan to do this through cancellation of databases and e-journal packages, as well as eliminating any one-time expenditures (including books, journal backfiles, etc.) paid from unrestricted funds. We are not alone; SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has created a database to track large journal package cancellations. Unless something changes dramatically, we anticipate such subscription cancellations will be an annual process.


We have analyzed the last several years of cost and usage data for our databases and e-journal package subscriptions. This data will be used to identify the needed cuts that will have the lowest impact on our faculty and students.


cancellation timeline

During the months of November and December of 2018, library liaisons will review and identify potential databases and e-journal packages for cancellation. The list of materials selected for cancellation (see tabs at bottom of spreadsheet) will be shared with departments and schools who will have the opportunity to review and share their input by the end of February 2019. Subscriptions to database and e-journal packages will be cancelled in March 2019, with access to these resources ending according to their subscription period (many through December 2019).

Document Delivery Services

We realize that cancelling subscriptions will have an impact on teaching and research needs of our students and faculty. Journal articles may be ordered by members of the USF community through document delivery services.

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