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Cancellations and Withdrawals

An overview of Gleeson Library's necessary cancellation and withdrawal projects.

2021 Library Database and Journal Cancellations

The Gleeson Library, like many units on campus, is adjusting to the economic impacts the pandemic is having on our university. In order to meet our budgetary obligations, the library has made the difficult decision to cancel a selection of our academic journals, databases, and journal package subscriptions.


Based on input from librarians and the careful review of cost per use metrics, we have compiled a list of resources which will be cancelled effective January 2021.

Access to Resources

Cancellation of these resources does not necessarily mean that you will lose access to the resources that you need for your teaching, research, or studies. By cancelling underused journal and database subscriptions, we are shifting the model of an effective, sustainable academic research library away from one of ownership to one of access. The information resources you need will still be available to you, but the route to access them may change.

Our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service will be your source for many cancelled titles. By using ILL, you will still be able to access many of the articles you need, but they may be sourced from collections outside USF. Reaching out to your liaison librarian when you need to obtain hard-to-find resources is also essential. Our liaison librarians are here to help you!

The Library has made efforts to minimize impact on student learning, as well as faculty teaching and research. If you have any questions, please fill out the feedback form.

Cancellation List

  • ARTbibliographies Modern
  • BioOne
  • CARMA / Center for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis
  • Dictionary of Old English Corpus
  • International Medieval Bibliography
  • OECD iLibrary
  • Acta Cytologica
  • AIDS Patient Care and STDs
  • ALA TechSource
  • American Philosophical Quarterly
  • Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum : Internationale Zeitschrift für Konziliengeschichtsforschung
  • Arctic Institute of North America membership
  • Asian Survey
  • Association of Teachers of Mathematics membership
  • Augustiniana
  • California History
  • Canadian Journal of Communication
  • Catholica
  • Chemical Educator
  • College Art Association of America membership
  • College Composition and Communication
  • Columbia Journalism Review
  • Comparative Politics
  • Contemporary French Civilization
  • Current History
  • DttP : A Quarterly Journal of Government Information Practice and Perspective
  • Education
  • Ethics & Medicine
  • Faith and Philosophy : Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers
  • Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning
  • Gastronomica
  • History Today
  • Human Organization : Journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology
  • Idealistic Studies
  • International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare
  • International Philosophical Quarterly : IPQ
  • The Journal for Quality and Participation
  • Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
  • Journal of Asian History
  • Journal of Catholic Social Thought
  • Journal of Consciousness Studies
  • Journal of Early Modern History
  • The Journal of Experimental Medicine
  • Kerygma und Dogma
  • Latin American Weekly Report
  • Laval théologique et philosophique
  • Littérature
  • Louvain Studies
  • Management Science
  • Manuscripta
  • Mercury
  • Moreana
  • The Nation's Health : the official newspaper of the American Public Health Association
  • The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
  • The New England Quarterly
  • Nineteenth-Century Literature
  • October
  • Origins
  • Pacific Affairs
  • Pacific Journal of Mathematics
  • The Physical Educator
  • Process Studies
  • Questions Liturgiques
  • Reading Improvement
  • Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales = Forschungen zur Theologie und Philosophie des Mittelalters
  • Religious and Theological Abstracts
  • Renascence
  • Representations
  • Revue Bénédictine
  • Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique
  • The Slavonic and East European Review
  • Sociology of Sport Journal
  • Southern California Quarterly
  • Studies in Canadian Literature : SCL = Etudes en littérature canadienne : ELC
  • Sustainability
  • Swimming World Magazine
  • Talent Development
  • Telos
  • Theologische Revue
  • The Way
  • The Women's Review of Books
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