Provides the status of federal legislation, information about representative and senators in Congress including voting records, and original research on legislation. Use GovTrack to track bills for updates by getting alerts and understand the broader context of legislation through statistical analyses.
ProQuest Congressional is especially useful for performing legislative histories and locating Congressional documents. It is also very useful for tracking legislation and major public policy issues, locating recent Congressional documents and related material in full text, and learning more about Congress and the legislative process.
ProQuest Congressional provides comprehensive indexing and abstracting of Congressional publications, CIS legislative histories, and bill tracking. It includes the full text of Congressional reports, documents, prints, bills, the Congressional Record, selected testimony in hearings before Congress, Public laws, Statutes at Large, the United States Code Service, the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and the National Journal. It also provides information about members of Congress, Congressional committees, and recent legislative activities and public policy issues in the news.
Track bills across all 50-states in the National Conference on State Legislature's searchable bill tracking databases. Select a topic to find complete bill information. The status of bills listed in these databases is updated every week. Search by subtopics, year, status (e.g., pending, enacted, to governor, etc.) or enter keywords to identify bills.
BillTrack50 is a free service for citizens to look up information about federal and state bills and legislators. Register for a free account to start searching right away.
LegiNation, the company behind BillTrack50, was founded with the goal of making state level legislation more readily available to the professionals who need it, and even more importantly to the public at large.
"BillTrack Basic" is available for everyone to research state and federal legislation and legislators any time, for free. Additional services are offered to subscribers. Gleeson Library does not have a subscription to any of these services.
Tracks state and federal legislation. Gleeson Library does not have a subscription to LegiScan, but you can use the "National Legislative Search" database without an account. Additionally, you can register for a free service called "One Vote."
One Vote is a public service for concerned individuals tracking their home state and Congress. Personal monitoring list with saved searches from the national legislative search engine and private RSS feeds to stay informed. Receive monitored email alerts, create simple dynamic reports sharable with friends and colleagues.
includes all statewide ballot measures in the 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. New measures are added as they qualify for the ballot and are identified by NCSL staff. Results are updated soon after election night.